Monday 11 January 2016

MOTORISTA: A village where education is still a dream for the kids


Motorista bike club member’s recently visited a village named Guddan. It is located in Chamba district and has a population around 100 people with 15-20 houses. To reach this village you have to trek around 5 km as there is no road .The village has very low literacy because it has school till grade 5 only. If anyone wants to study further they need to walk around 10 km to reach to the school. It is difficult for kids to travel that much daily, as a result they don’t study after grade 5.When we visited the village, the kids were playing with the snow as they don’t have any toys or park there.

School days are the best memories anyone would love to remember and it is very unfortunate that the village kids cannot go to schools. The government is trying to construct a road to this village. May be by next year it will be complete.

It was hard to believe that there are many villages in India where education is still a dream for the kids. Education is the most important weapon to change the world .I think without education the life of the villager will never change. We only stayed there for one night and two days but it was enough to make us realize that we are very fortunate to have all the basic amenities of life. There are no shops in the village, hospital, electricity has reached the village but it winter due to snow storm there is no power for months.

Recently I read the about Face book founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg Terming Internet connectivity as a basic human right, but for people of Guddan village basic facilities like road, Hospital , school etc ,   their  basic   right which they are denied off.  I hope our government would do something for these people.


  1. I think that there may be many more villages in India with this kind of problems. I wish government should do something so that every child should go to school.I congratulate you for highlighting this problem through your travelling blog...........

  2. I wish our plan to organize cricket tournament in this area will be executed soon and we will explore more about the region.
